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Welcome to
IDS 4930

CLAS Transfer Success Seminar

Spring 2025


Period 6


Anderson 0134


Class # 25532

Section S12C 


Week by week listing of class meetings and activities.


List of all course assignments, due dates, and other important information.


The grading scale for this course and other grade related information.


A listing of CLAS and UF resources and handy links to these materials.

About Your Instructor


My name is Adrienne Provost (she/her), and I am currently the Assistant Dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida. I have a B.S. in English Education, an M.A. in English, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Florida. I have a wealth of educational experience, having taught students from middle school to college. For the past ten years, I have written and implemented numerous federal grants and continue to seek funding to implement innovative programming in higher education. My research interests concern the ideological influences undergirding community college's founding mission and purpose in the United States and the resulting political, social, and economic tensions that arose during a national shift toward neoliberalism. When not teaching or doing research, I like to read, scuba dive, travel, and spend time with my husband, two sons, and two lazy greyhounds. 


I am also working with Dr. Terry O'Banion on a national study of community college museums, which will be published in 2026, and welcome interested undergraduate researchers to join us in this project.




Dr. Adrienne Provost (she/her)


Office: 2014D Turlington Hall (map)

Office Phone: (352) 294-1957

See the Communication Plan for

Office Hours and Communication Policy.

Course Description & Required Materials

Description: Welcome to the IDS 4930 Transfer Success Seminar. This course is designed to help you transition to the University of Florida and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. This seminar will help you maximize your time as a Florida Gator, outline resources, and connect you with the UF community. In addition, this curriculum explores artificial intelligence tools, and you will develop a personal website that will help you realize your pathway from UF to your career and beyond.


Required Textbooks and Materials: There are no required textbooks for this course. All readings and materials are available online in your CANVAS course. For details, please see the course schedule.


Course Objectives

  • Explore the resources available in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the University of Florida.

  • Develop an online academic portfolio.

  • Gain familiarity with AI tools.

  • Get familiar with academic requirements so that you graduate on time.

  • Outline a time management plan to help you maximize your UF experience.

  • Develop strategies to approach academic reading and writing in the Liberal Arts and Sciences.

  • Identify your strengths and demonstrate how your major aligns with your worldview.

  • Learn interview strategies that will make you a stronger candidate for future internships and careers.

  • Build professional relationships and networks.

  • Craft an effective 30-second elevator pitch and become comfortable communicating it to others.

  • Develop a personal pathway that outlines short and long-term targets, resources, and mentors.


Course Expectations (How to Succeed in this Course)

Check Canvas Regularly  
Canvas will be the main platform for the course and our main way of communication. All class resources will be stored in Canvas. Assignments will be submitted to Canvas and feedback on assignments will also be submitted via Canvas. For these reasons, make sure you know how to upload assignments, view feedback on those uploads, and receive notifications and announcements. In addition, I regularly send out Announcements and reminders about upcoming assignments through Canvas, so make sure to check Canvas regularly and set up your Canvas notifications. 


Be Honest 
I expect you to do your own work and follow all testing and assignment submission rules. As a student of the University of Florida, you are bound by The Honor Code. The Honor Code specifies a number of behaviors that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obligated to report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult with me.  


Provide Feedback 
I always welcome professional and respectful feedback on all parts of my instruction and the course. I take this feedback seriously and use it to improve my teaching and how I set up my courses. You will have multiple attempts to give me anonymous feedback throughout the semester as well as at the end of the semester via GatorEvals. Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available 
at Students will be notified when the evaluation period opens, and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via Summaries of course evaluation results are available to students at

Take Care of Yourself & Request Accommodation If Needed 
College can be a challenging time. In addition to studying for multiple courses, students face a host of social, mental, and physical challenges. It is important that you take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, so that you can not only survive, but thrive.  
If you have a disability that requires accommodations, you should first register with the 
Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565, by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students will receive an accommodation letter which must be presented to the instructor when requesting accommodation. Students with disabilities should follow this procedure as early as possible in the semester. 

Be Prepared for Technology Issues 
Technology, for all its benefits, doesn't always work. So, it's important for you to have a Plan B. Save files on your computer as well as Google Drive or Dropbox. Be prepared to submit assignments earlier than the last minute in order to avoid possible internet issues when submitting assignments. You will be developing a personal website in this course; please familiarize yourself with computer access and lab availability. If you're having issues with UF technology (e.g. Canvas), contact the UF Computing Help Desk ( Worst comes to worst. Contact me and let me know your situation so we can work something out. 

Attendance Policy and Communication Plan


This class is designed for active participation. You will get the most out of this experience when you are present. Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in the course are consistent with University policies. ​

  • Communication is key. If you cannot attend a class, please notify me as soon as possible.



The heart of great education is communication. I want you to know that I am here and ready to work with you to achieve your educational goals. There are multiple ways to communicate with me during and after the semester. These include:

  • Meetings during office hours or via appointment

  • E-mailing or messaging using Canvas

  • Calling my office phone number



  • During the Spring 2025 semester, I hold office hours on Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM in Turlington Hall, Office 2014-D.

  • I also am willing to meet with you through appointments. These appointments can be made weeks in advance or on very short notice. When making an appointment, provide me with three options for meeting times. I will select the one that best works for me or suggest alternatives. 



Outside of meetings during office hours and appointments, I offer other ways to contact me.

  • You can e-mail me at my UF e-mail account (

  • You can message me through the Canvas messaging system



Below are just a few policies I have regarding communication outside of my office hours:

  • While I am generally available during the day Monday through Friday, I do have other appointments and professional and personal responsibilities. So, if you know you need to meet with me outside of my office hours, make an appointment as soon as possible so that I can get you on my schedule.

  • I try to be speedy with my responses to students and answer e-mails or messages within 24 hours. If I have not responded to you within 24 hours, do not hesitate to follow up with me.

  • The exceptions to this "speedy as possible" rule are:

    • I typically turn off my laptop, log out of my e-mail, and don't respond to text messages after 5:00 pm EST. If you send me something after that time, do not expect me to reply until the next morning.

    • I do not check e-mail or Canvas on the weekends. The weekend is my time to devote to my hobbies and my family. If you message me late Friday night or Saturday, do not expect a response until Monday.

Communicaton Plan

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